Union Pearl was the first English display typeface, designed to be used for fancies-headings and words of distinction. It is thought to have been cast by the somewhat obscure but very English Grover type foundry in London. The first known example of its appearance in print was in 1708, and its name ostensibly referred to a double pearl of gigantic proportions. The letters were large (double pica-22 points) and designed with open, round nodules that bear some resemblance to pearls. Although it’s hard to imagine it now, at the time it stood out in print as luxurious and ostentatious-perhaps not quite so over the top as the oversized union pearl, but it certainly added flourish. The great typographer and printing historian Stanley Morrison reminded us that the font’s name echoed the “Acts of Union,” which united Scotland and England in 1707. Benjamin Franklin owned a font of Union Pearl for his press, but no one has found proof that he actually used it. Perhaps it didn’t quite match his “Poor Richard” alter ego. To my knowledge, this font has never been digitized, so it is not available electronically...yet.
The term union, applied to a pearl, was by the early eighteenth century a standard way to refer to a very large pearl of very great value, worn only by the very rich or very royal. Perhaps (and this is just my own conjecture), there is a connection to the Unionidae freshwater mussel family, parts of which are often used as the nucleus in regular (marine) pearl production. One of the early references to a union pearl was in Pliny the Elder, who wrote of Cleopatra’s bet with Marc Antony over who could consume the most costly meal. Her flagrant consumption (and he meant that literally) of “an union” dissolved in vinegar, won the contest. Antony may have lost the wager, but I’m sure his meal tasted much better. The cover of Stacy Shiff’s new biography of Cleopatra is a representation of the famous beauty with pearls scattered through her hair and wearing a pearl necklace and earrings (recently reviewed in the New Yorker).
Bohus Stickning “Guld” design (detail) |
I wanted to make my knitted U an investigation of the purled pearl, and was inspired by the most luxurious and complex purl stitches I have seen, in Bohus Stickning. I first laid eyes on Bohus design in an article by Margaret Bruzelius; Knitting Around the World, from Threads, which was illustrated with pictures of vintage Bohus Stickning sweaters, several owned by the great Elizabeth Zimmermann. Her Bohus Yoke Sweater was an
I wanted to print something that makes judicious use of the English font, Union Pearl, while celebrating an English knitter of epic stature who sang the praises of the purl stitch. Who else but Elizabeth Zimmermann, whose centennial year we knitters around the globe now celebrate? She taught us all to love the garter stitch and its bumpy purls, and gave us so many pithy, but warm confidences. Here is the one I love the best:
Union Pearl’s “U” (photo reversed horizontally for easier reading) |
Colophon (what is a colophon?)
This keepsake was printed in the cool, autumnal days of 2010 on 140 pound Rives watercolor paper in a very limited edition. It celebrates Union Pearl through its sparing employment in capital form (witness: the “R” in Really, and the “E” and “Z” in EZ’s name). Art Ribbon Border (designed by the American Type Founders and cast by the Dale Guild, which, like Union Pearl, has not been digitized) ornaments the text. 12 pt. text fonts include both Centaur, designed by Bruce Rogers after Nicolas Jenson’s fifteenth-century Venetian typefaces, and which first appeared in print in 1915, and Arrighi, designed by Frederic Warde in 1925 after the letterforms of the sixteenth-century Italian scribe and typographer, Ludovico degli Arrighi. The latter two fonts, fortunately, are available electronically from our friends at Adobe. You won’t find the name "Arrighi," however. It is packaged with Centaur as its italic form.
- John A. Lane, “The Origins of Union Pearl” Matrix 12 (1992): 125-133.
Stanley Morison, “Decorated Types” The Fleuron, Vol. VI (1928): 109, 111. - Stephenson, Blake & co. Union Pearl: A Seventeenth-Century Decorated Type (Sheffield, England: Stephenson Blake, ca. 1948)
- Rowe Mores, Edward. A Dissertation Upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies (London, 1778)
- Berry, Johnson & Jaspert. Encyclopaedia of Typefaces. 55th Anniversary Ed. (Cassell, 2009)
Description of John Lane’s article in Matrix Luc Devroye’s “Remarks” about the Stephenson Blake Type Foundry" (2008) Lead Graffiti: Union Pearl
Stephen Fry’s investigation of the Gutenberg Press, on BBC4 Printing in 1947 (video) Briar Press: THE source on the Internet for information on letterpress printing Lots of their lovely “cuts & caps” Chandler & Price Pilot press Letterpress Documentary Charming time lapse video of printing on a Chandler & Price pilot press
Union Pearl Co. (Japan) American Museum of Natural History, exhibition on pearls Especially: Pearls in Human History
Discovery News: "How Cleopatra Won Her Bet"
- Elizabeth Zimmermann bio
- Elizabeth Zimmermann’s Schoolhouse Press (now run by her daughter, Meg Swanson)
- EZ Titles
- Bohus Stickning & the purl stitch, by Chrissy Gardner, for Knitty
Miscellaneous Pearl
- "Union Pearl" is also the name of a British cargo ship operated by Union Transport, Ltd. All the ships in its fleet have names that begin with "Union."
1Stanley Morrison wrote about Union Pearl in a much cited article in The Fleuron. Stanley Morison, “Decorated Types” The Fleuron, Vol. VI (1928), pp. 109, 111. Further evidence has since come to light to correct some of Morrison’s initial assertions. According to John A. Lane, who did remarkable research on the history of Union Pearl, its first known use in print was in The Observator 24-28 January, 1708. It appeared in an ad, “Scriptographia.” John A. Lane, “The Origins of Union Pearl” Matrix 12 (1992): 125-133. In 1992, when Lane published his article in the ultra-deluxe letterpress(ed) annual Matrix, fonts of Union Pearl could still be bought from the Stephenson Blake type foundry.
Wonderful post. Are any of these very limited editions for sale?
Hooray! A Letter! Thank you for your always enlightening and interesting posts. I second Mary Lou's question...
Like an early Christmas Present!
I am going to draw out my reading - also devouring all information from every additional link you so generously share with your readers.
And of course I join the queue in the question line regarding those limited editions.
Thank you very much indeed for all your work.
I've been thinking about you lately and wondering if you had given up your project. As always --- it was worth the wait. (I feared Bohus had taken over your life.) Glad to see the press has been in use - what a great font.
Beautiful. All of it.
And what Mary Lou said...
Hi. That was really interesting, history, type, knitting, wordplay, EZ's 100th anniversary. It was such a lovely layered story. Also....I'm in the "what Mary Lou said" group as well.
So beautiful, so rich. I loved "the "and" we later became". I'm a bit of a sap that way.
And what a perfect EZ quote, so lovely in this font.
Of course, reading and enjoying this fully has cost me enough of the evening that I won't be getting my own blog post up, but that is a cost I'm happy to pay.
My favorite of your ever-thoughtful and meticulously researched posts yet! Your setting of the EZ quote is a true gem.
My heart soared when your feed showed a new post :-) And so interesting! Union Pearl itself is a little too ornate for me, but the ribbons are wonderful. I love the way you combine fact and fancy and beautiful, beautiful work. Thank you so much!
This is completely amazing. You already know that I'm a fan of knitting and printing and letters, but you put them all together so beautifully. Keep up the wonderful work!
Yay! Typography, knitting, and the personal all rolled into one, it doesn't get better than this. So glad you're back with another letter and managed to squeeze Bohus in there too. Only 5 more to go!
Oh I'm so happy you posted again ! I'm in the Mary Lou group as well, but most of all I feel very lucky to have chanced on your blog precisely today.
Finally! A letter! Informative, educational, fascinating and fabulous as always.
wow! thank you. i hope i will be able to purchase your entire collection in book form at some point when it's completed.
I was so far behind on reading blogs that I just saw your latest post. As always, a pure pleasure from beginning to end. Thank you for an enjoyable and interesting read!
What Mary Lou said...
Thank you for your most informative comments on Union Pearl. I'm just compiling some notes to print alongside a specimen sheet of the face, and wanted to check why the 'Union' part of the name--which you have answered.
Where is V? Where is V?! ;-)
Yes, I would like to see the V as well.
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